A one-stop site to realign, ignite & tap into your superpower!
- SUPERPOWER - su·per·pow·ernoun: It’s what makes you special and gives you the power to produce extraordinary results
I believe in leveraging every personal and professional experience by learning your lessons and making your pain pay you back!
Deya Direct!- Superpower Strategist & Life Coach
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Deya Smith-Taylor, whose byline is “Deya Direct" --- is the President and Creative Director of Deya Direct Enterprises
She is the author of nationally published blogs and three published books: Amazon #1 Bestseller “Failure is Fuel,” “Touch Yourself, 30 Ways to Boldly Live, Love and Let Go,” and now “Soft is the New Power: Embracing Your Femininity to Win in Love & Life.”
Wellbeing is fundamental to our health and overall happiness. Having high levels of wellbeing helps us to be the best versions of ourselves. I believe in leveraging every personal and professional experience by learning your lessons and making your pain pay you back!
Superpower Tools
to Love Again 'Detox'