The SuperpowHer Podcast is like a Powerhouse “Testimonial Series” with real-life tools that women can use! A lively, yet safe space where Best-Selling Author, Superpower Life & Love Strategist Deya Direct gets real with Celebrities, Power Players and her Super-friends about how they overcame the fire of life, and leveraged their Superpower to Learn, Live, Love and Laugh again!

Love Coach #DeyaDirect: Superpower Tools to Love Again ‘Detox’
The No. 1 way to love again? Detox. In the words of Fantasia, sometimes you have to lose to win. Detox from your ex-partner so you can cleanse your mind and spirit from the toxins of that relationship. That means stop communicating with your ex as much as possible. Get rid of all the pictures you have of him or her. No social media with that person. Stop daydreaming about the good things you used to do with that person. No phone calls. Read more on Ebony.com